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अभी पढ़े: भए प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला

Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir Height – The Upcoming World’s Tallest Temple

Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir Height

Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir Height

Hare Krishna! You will be shocked to know at what height the Chandrodaya Mandir in Vrindavan is constructing.

So Today, we will be discussing the height and Square feet of the Temple.

In Vrindavan, the Chandrodaya Mandir is said to be the tallest religious monument in the world with a height of over 700 feet (210 meters).

and with an area of about 50,000 square meters in 260 hectares (642 acres) of land.

This temple is also Titled as “The Upcoming World’s Tallest Temple” as this will be going to be the World’s Tallest Temple.

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